Workshop on Politics and Game Theory

Organized by J.P. Jung and Mark Schneider

July 16 to July 17, 1990

Stony Brook, New York



  Social and Behavioral Science, N-702
Chair: Mark Schneider
9:00-10:15 J. Banks: Two-Sided Uncertainty in the Monopoly Agenda Setter Model
10:30-11:45 R. McKelvey, R. Boylan, and J. Ledyard: Political Competition in a Model of Economic Growth

  Social and Behavioral Science, N-702
Chair: Paul Teske
1:15-2:30 D. Austen-Smith: Interested Experts and Policy Advice
2:45-4:00 R. Myerson: Comparison of Voting Systems
4:15-5:30 S. Brams and P. Fishburn: Coalition Voting (revised)

  International Relations and Game Theory
Social and Behavioral Science, N-702
Chair: Wendy Hansen
9:00-10:15 B. O'Neill: Bargaining Problems from the Vienna Arms Control Talks

10:30-11:45 M. Kilgour and F. Zagare: Asymmetric Deterrence

  Social and Behavioral Science, N-702
Chair: Joon Jung
1:15-2:30 B. Nalebuff: Rational Deterrence in an Imperfect World
2:45-4:00 D. Lalman and B. Bueno de Mesquita: Domestic Opposition and Foreign War

Public Lecture
5:00-6:30 S. Brams, M. Kilgour, and M. Davis: Unravelling in Exchange Games