APPLIED INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATIONOrganized by John SuttonJuly 6 to July 8, 2000
Official Program
Morning Lecture, 9:30-12:30 |
Technology and Market Structure (John Sutton) This session is based on chapters 1-3 of Technology and Market Structure. |
Afternoon session: Concentration and
Industry Evolution
Catherine Matraves, Industrial Concentration and Market Integration in the European Union (joint with Bruce Lyons and Peter Moffat) | |
Presented by Ciara Whelan |
Gerben Bakker, Decline of the European Film Industry: Sunk Costs, Market Size and Market Structure, 1907-1926 | |
Presented by Catherine Matraves |
Gautam Gowrisankaran, Do Mergers Lead to Monopoly in the Long Run? Results from the Dominant Firm Model (joint with Thomas J. Holmes) | |
Presented by Volker Nocke |
Morning Lecture, 9:30-12:30 |
The Size Distribution of Business (John Sutton) This session is based on chapters 9-12 of Technology and Market Structure. |
Afternoon session I: The Size Distribution
Tommaso Valletti, Firm Size Distribution: Testing the 'Independent Submarkets Model' in the Italian Motor Insurance Industry | |
Presented by Rebeca de Juan |
Paul Walsh, Modelling Firm Size Distribution in Food & Drink Products (joint with Ciara Whelan) | |
Presented by Howard Smith |
Rebeca de Juan, The Independent Submarkets Model: An Application to the Spanish Retail Banking Market | |
Presented by Gerben Bakker |
Afternoon session II: Market Structure in
the Supermarket Industry
Howard Smith, Local Entry and Local Market Structure in the UK Supermarket Industry | |
Presented by Paul Ellickson |
Paul Ellickson, Vertical Product Differentiation and Concentration in the Supermarket Industry | |
Presented by Howard Smith |
Morning Lecture, 9:30-12:30 |
Market Dynamics (John Sutton) This session is based on chapters 13-15 of Technology and Market Structure. |
Afternoon session: Dynamic Models
Sarit Markovich, Snowball - The Evolution of Dynamic Oligopolies with Network Externalities | |
Presented by Tommaso Valletti |
Alison Oldale, Exploring Nonconvergence in a Pakes-Ericson Model | |
Presented by Gautam Gowrisankaran |
Volker Nocke, Underinvestment and Market Structure | |
Presented by Sarit Markovich |