Organized by Ehud Kalai and Yair Tauman

July 17 to July 20, 1995

Stony Brook, New York



9:30-10:30 Earth and Space Sciences, Room 001
Chair: John Scholz

R. McKelvey (joint with T.R. Palfrey): Quantal Response Equilibria for Extensive Form Games

11:00-12:00 Earth and Space Sciences, Room 001
Chair: Pradeep Dubey

P. Battigalli: Time Consistency, Sequential Rationality and Rational Inferences in Decision Problems with Imperfect Recall
11:00-12:00 Earth and Space Sciences, Room 183
Chair: Thomas Muench

C.-Z. Qin (joint with C. Stuart): Economic Natural Selection of Business Practices
11:00-12:00 Earth and Space Sciences, Room 181
Chair: Abraham Neyman

R. Lagunoff (joint with A. Matsui): An "Anti-Folk Theorem" for a Class of Asynchronously Repeated Coordination Games
11:00-12:00 Earth and Space Sciences, Room 115
Chair: Shmuel Zamir

B. Skyrms: Darwin Meets the Logic of Decisions

Shapley Value -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 001
Chair: Irinel Dragan
2:00-2:30 R.P. McLean: Coalition Structure Values of Mixed Games
2:30-3:00 B. Feldman: Value with Externalities: The Value of the Coalitional Game in Partition Function Form
3:00-3:30 R. van den Brink: Apex Games as Relational Power Measures for Directed Graphs

Equilibrium, Special Topics -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 183
Chair: Dov Monderer
2:00-2:30 S.J. Brams: Game Theory and Emotions
2:30-3:00 S. Muto: Alternating-Move Preplays and vN - M Stable Sets in Two-Person Strategic Form Games
3:00-3:30 S. Hart: A Preliminary Communication on Pre-Play Communication

Repeated Games -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 181
Chair: Matthew Jackson
2:00-2:30 A. Neyman (joint with S. Sorin): Equilibrium of Repeated Games with Symmetric Incomplete Information
2:30-3:00 D. Richards: Chaotic Nonconvergence with Full-History Inductive Decision Rules
3:00-3:30 J. Ratliff: Repeated Games with Private Information about Duration

Externalities, Public and Private Goods -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 115
Chair: John Hillas
2:00-2:30 A. Watts (joint with H. Moulin): Two Versions of the Tragedy of the Commons
2:30-3:00 R.P. Gilles (joint with S. Scottchmer: Decentralization in Club Economics
3:00-3:30 S. Scottchmer (joint with R. P. Gilles): Decentralization in Replicated Club Economies with Multiple Private Goods

Value Theory -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 001
Chair: Richard McLean
4:00-4:30 I. Dragan: New Mathematical Properties of the Banzhaf Value
4:30-5:00 J. Masso (joint with G. Bergantinos): Notes on a new Compromise Value: The Chi-Value
5:00-5:30 M. Ortmann: Preservation of Differences, Potential, Conservity

Learning Dynamics -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 181
Chair: Sergiu Hart
4:00-4:30 E.J. Friedman: Dynamics and Rationality in Ordered Externality Games
4:30-5:00 A. Sela: Reduction of Games Played According to the Fictitious Play Process
5:00-5:30 D. Minehart (joint with S. Scotchmer): Ex-Post Regret and the Decentralized Sharing of Information

Social Choice -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 115
Chair: Marilda Sotomayor
4:00-4:30 P.J. Coughlin: Redistribution via Government and Distributive Justice
4:30-5:00 S. Ching: What are the Rationales for Majority Decisions? A Characterization of Pairwise Majority Rule
5:00-5:30 J.A. Dearden: Serial Cost-Sharing of Excludable Public Goods: Non-Convexities of the Cost Function


9:30-10:30 Earth and Space Sciences, Room 001
Chair: Bezalel Peleg

D. Monderer (joint with D. Samet and A. Sela): Belief Affirming in Learning Processes

11:00-12:00 Earth and Space Sciences, Room 001
Chair: Steven J. Brams

M.O. Jackson (joint with E. Kalai): Recurring Games and Social Learning: Learning to Play Perfectly

Rational Learning -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 001
Chair: Shmuel Zamir
2:00-2:30 A. Sandroni: Does Rational Learning Lead to Nash Equilibrium in Finitely Repeated Games?
2:30-3:00 Z. Zhang (joint with J. Zhang): Information Externality, Information Cascades and the Asymptotic Efficiency of Information Cascades in Sequential Decisions

Non-Cooperative Bargaining I -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 183
Chair: Pradeep Dubey
2:00-2:30 V.J. Vannetelbosch: Rationalizability and Equilibrium in N-Person Sequential Bargaining
2:30-3:00 A. Riedl: Weakening the Weak May Harm the Strong: A Bargaining Model Where Opting-In is Costly
3:00-3:30 M. Cornet: Externalities in a Bargaining Model of Public Price Announcements and Resale

Core Theory -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 181
Chair: Roger Lagunoff
2:00-2:30 V. Gurvich (joint with E. Boros and A. Vasin): Stable Families of Coalitions -- Berge-Lovasz Normal Hypergraphs
2:30-3:00 Y. Funaki (joint with T. Yamato): The Core and Consistency Properties
3:00-3:30 J. Kuipers (joint with J. Derks): On the Number of Extreme Elements of the Core


9:30-10:30 Earth and Space Sciences, Room 001
Chair: T.E.S. Raghavan

V. Krishna (joint with T. Sjostrom): On the Convergence of Fictitious Play

11:00-12:00 Earth and Space Sciences, Room 001
Chair: Andrew McLennan

G. Ellison: Basins of Attraction and Long-Run Equilibria
11:00-12:00 Earth and Space Sciences, Room 183
Chair: Yair Tauman

A. van den Nouweland (joint with B. Dutta and S. H. Tijs): Link Formation in Cooperative Situations
11:00-12:00 Earth and Space Sciences, Room 181
Chair: John Hillas

H.W. Stuart (joint with A.M. Brandenburger): Biform Games

Bertrand Cournot and Stackelberg Games -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 001
Chair: Vicki Knoblauch
2:00-2:30 R. Aoki: Strategic Complements with First Mover Advantage
2:30-3:00 Rabah Amir (joint with I. Grilo): Stackelberg vs. Cournot/Bertrand Equilibrium
3:00-3:30 R. Ramer: Time Structure in the Canonical Model of Competition

Coalition Formation -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 183
Chair: Anne van den Nouweland
2:00-2:30 M. Ball: Coalition Structure and Bargaining in n-Person Games with Transferable Utility
2:30-3:00 A. Meca-Martinez and J. Sanchez-Soriano (joint with I. Garcia-Jurado and S.H. Tijs): Strong Nash Equilibria in Claim Games Corresponding to Convex Games

Law and Regulation -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 181
Chair: Robert Gilles
2:00-2:30 J. Watanabe (joint with Y. Tauman and A. Urbano): A Model of Multiproduction Price Competition
2:30-3:00 K.-P. Chen (joint with H. Chien and C. Chu): Sequential versus Unitary Trials with Asymmetric Information

Non-Cooperative Bargaining II -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 115
Chair: Giacomo Bonanno
2:00-2:30 W. Bolt (joint with H. Houba): Strategic Bargaining in the Variable Threat Game
2:30-3:00 H. Houba: The Policy Bargaining Model
3:00-3:30 S.-F. Ueng: Ex-Post Efficiency of Explicitly Contracted Quality

Location and Congestion Games -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 001
Chair: David Wettstein
4:00-4:30 V. Knoblauch: Pure Strategy Nash Equilibria for Location Games
4:30-5:00 R. Ramer (joint with J. Goeree): Exact Solutions of Location Games
5:00-5:30 R. Holzman (joint with N. Law-Yone): Strong Equilibrium in Congestion Games

Topics in Cooperative Games -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 183
Chair: Cheng-Zhong Qin
4:00-4:30 M. Sotomayor: Some Remarks on the Multiple Partners Game
4:30-5:00 J.M. Zarzuelo (joint with L.M. Ruiz and F. Valenciano): The Family of Least Square Solutions for T.U. Games
5:00-5:30 A.M. Artola: Dual Representation of NTU-Cooperative Games

Large Games, and Cores, and Stable Sets -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 181
Chair: Susanne Scotchmer
4:00-4:30 E. Einy (joint with B. Shitovitz): Convex Games and Stable Sets
4:30-5:00 M. Crowley: Large Three-Sided Assignment Games
5:00-5:30 A. Ranada: Large Finite Economies are Almost Balanced

Topics in Bargaining -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 115
Chair: James Bergin
4:00-4:30 F. Valenciano (joint with J.M. Zarzuelo): On Nash's Hidden Assumption
4:30-5:00 R.M. Mandapaka (joint with C. Faugere): Dating, Marriage and Social Norms
5:00-5:30 G. Gambarelli: Some Financial and Political Applications of the Power Indices


9:30-10:30 Earth and Space Sciences, Room 001
Chair: Sergiu Hart

E. Maskin (joint with J. Tirole): Markov Perfect Equilibrium

11:00-12:00 Earth and Space Sciences, Room 001
Chair: Yair Tauman

In Memory of Elaine Bennett
R.B. Myerson: Dual Reduction and Elementary Games

Correlation -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 001
Chair: Roger Myerson
2:00-2:30 Y. Leitner (joint with D. Monderer): Collusion in Non-Cooperative Games
2:30-3:00 T. Mariotti: Perfection and Correlation in Continuous Games

Rationality and Equilibrium -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 183
Chair: Pierpaolo Battigalli
2:00-2:30 C. Ma: Uncertainty Aversion and Rationality in Games of Perfect Information
2:30-3:00 G.B. Asheim (joint with M. Dufwenberg): Rational Reasoning and Rationalizable Sets

Innovation Games -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 181
Chair: Reiko Aoki
2:00-2:30 D. Wettstein (joint with I. Luski): R&D Activity in a General Equilibrium Setting: A Lindahlian Perspective
2:30-3:00 K.O. Nti: Comparative Statics of Contests and Rent-Seeking Games

Ranking and Allocating -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 115
Chair: Peter Coughlin
2:00-2:30 V. Kolpin: Characterization of Serial Cost Sharing
2:30-3:00 J. Nieto (joint with A. Neme and L. Quintas): Ranking Opportunity Sets: Freedom of Choice and the Cost of Information
3:00-3:30 G. Gambarelli: Minmax Apportionments

Economic Implementation -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 001
Chair: Eric Maskin
4:00-4:30 B. Peleg: A Continuous Double Implementation of the Constrained Walras Equilibrium
4:30-5:00 Y. Tatamitani (joint with T. Saijo and T. Yamato): Characterizing Natural Implementability: The Fair and Walrasian Correspondences
5:00-5:30 J. Bergin (joint with J. Duggan): Non-Cooperative Foundations, Extensive Form Implementation, and the Core

Foundations of Knowledge and Equilibrium -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 183
Chair: Abraham Neyman
4:00-4:30 G. Bonanno (joint with K. Nehring): Intersubjective Consistency of Beliefs and the Logic of Common Belief
4:30-5:00 A. McLennan (joint with R.D. McKelvey): The Maximal Number of Regular Totally Mixed Nash Equilibria
5:00-5:30 P. Ghirardato: Coping with Ignorance: Unforeseen Contingencies and Non-Additive Uncertainty

Inspecting and Monitoring -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 181
Chair: René van den Brink
4:00-4:30 K. Rinderle: Nash Equilibria for Sequential Inspection Games
4:30-5:00 C.-P. Fan (joint with K.P. Chen): The Design of Payment Systems for Physicians Under Global Budget -- An Experimental Study

Statistical and Stochastic Games -- Earth and Space Sciences, Room 115
Chair: Vijay Krishna
4:00-4:30 T.E.S. Raghavan (joint with F. Evangelista and O.J. Vrieze): Repeated Arat Games
4:30-5:00 T.S. Arthanari (joint with G. Ravindran): Game Theory and Quality Engineering
5:00-5:30 P.K. Dutta: Efficient Markov Perfect Equilibria