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9:00-10:30 | Ultimatum Bargaining |
W. Güth:
Information, Strategic Behavior, and Fairness in
Ultimatum Bargaining
G. Bolton (with E. Katok and R. Zwick): Dictator Game Giving: Fairness versus Random Acts of Kindness | |
11:00-12:30 | Optimal Design of Experiments |
T. Palfrey (with M. El-Gamal):
Optimal Design of an Experiment: A Bayesian
Approach (or, "Learning to Learn abour
D. Holt: Detecting Learning in Experimental Games | |
2:00-3:30 | Dilemmas |
G. Bornstein:
Cooperation in Intergroup and Single-Group
Social Dilemmas
C. Keser and R. Gardner: Strategic Behavior of Experienced Subjects in a Common Pool Resource Game | |
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9:00-10:30 | Learning and Adaptation |
J. Van Huyck (with R. Battalio, S. Mathur, A. Ortmann, and P. Van Huyck):
On the Origin of Convention: Evidence from
Symmetric Bargaining Games
B. Broseta: Learning in Coordination Games | |
11:00-12:30 | C. Holt (with J. Brandts):
Adjustment Patterns and Equilibrium Selection in
Experimental Signaling
D. Fudenberg: Self-Confirming Equilibria in Experimental Games |
2:15-4:00 | Learning and Adaptation, continued |
I. Erev and A. Roth:
Is There Intelligent Life after the First Period
of Repeated Play?: Simple Adaptive Models in the
Intermediate Term
R. Nagel: Experimental Results on Interactive Competitive Guessing | |
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9:00-12:00 | Mixed Strategy Equilibria |
J. Ochs:
2 x 2 Games with Unique Mixed-Strategy
B. Vogt (with W. Albers): Selection of Mixed Strategies in 2 x 2 Bimatrix Games B. Sopher: Learning and Decision Costs in Constant Sum Games | |
2:15-4:45 | Modeling Issues |
A. Rapoport:
Order of Play in Strategically Equivalent Games
in Extensive Form
V. Prasnikar: Binary Lottery Payoffs: Do They Control Risk Aversion? D. Stahl (with P. Wilson): Players' Models of Other Players | |
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9:00-12:00 | Market Processes |
J. Kagel (with D. Cooper and S. Garvin):
Adaptive Learning in an Entry Limit Pricing
Signalling Game
J. Potters (with F. van Winden): An Experimental Study of Lobbying B. Forsythe: Adverse Selection and Voluntary Disclosure in Financial Markets | |
2:00-3:00 | R. Selten:
Learning Guided by Qualitative Reasoning |