Workshop on Cooperation and Competition in R&D

Organized by Suzanne Scotchmer and Yair Tauman

July 18 to July 20, 1990

Stony Brook, New York



  Social and Behavioral Science, N-702

Patent Races
Chair: Yair Tauman
9:30-10:45 R. Aoki and D. Reitman: Announcement Effects in R&D Competition
11:00-12:15 R. Aoki: Strategic R&D Investment and Speed of Spillovers

  Chair: Morton Kamien
1:30-2:45 J. Choi: An Analysis of Cooperative R&D
3:00-4:15 D. Salant: Some Stochastic Innovation Duopoly Races
4:30-5:45 P. Dutta, S. Lach, and A. Rustichini: Innovation and Product Differentiation


  Social and Behavioral Science, N-702

Cooperation in R&D
Chair: Shigeo Muto
9:30-10:45 M. Katz and J. Ordover: R&D Cooperation and Competition
11:00-12:15 J. Green and S. Scotchmer: Antitrust Policy, the Breadth of Patent Protection, and the Incentive to Develop New Products

  Chair: Hajime Miyazaki
1:30-2:45 M. Kamien, E. Muller, and I. Zang: Research Joint Ventures and R&D Cartels
3:00-4:15 R. Orzach: R&D Investment Under Incomplete Information
4:30-5:45 N. Candal and S. Scotchmer: Coordinating Research Through Research Joint Ventures


  Social and Behavioral Science, N-702

The Patent Law and Licensing
Chair: Michael Katz
8:00-9:15 S. Levesque: Contract Design and the Incentive to Intellectual Property Law
9:30-10:45 S. Besen and L. Raskind: An Introduction to Intellectual Property Law
11:00-12:15 Y. Tauman and Y. Weiss: Licensing of Innovations with Incomplete Information

  Chair: Suzanne Scotchmer
1:30-2:45 R. Aumann and S. Hart: Cheap Talk

  Industrial Organization: Market Forces
3:00-4:15 H. Miyazaki: Contesting Contestable Market Theory
4:30-5:45 M. Bagnoli, S. Salant, and J. Swierzbinski: Price Discrimination Through Intertemporal Self-Selection