Costly Communication in Repeated Interactions Olivier Gossner We introduce a model of dynamic interactions with asymmetric information and costly communication. One player, the forecaster, has superior information to another player, the agent, concerning the realizations of a stream of states of nature. A repeated game takes place between the sequence, the forecaster, and the agent. The agent chooses at each stage an action from a finite set that depends on the past history. The forecaster's stage decisions may depend not only on past history, but also on future realizations of nature. Hence, there are two aspects in the forecaster's stage decisions. First, this player can take strategic decisions that may affect both player's stage payoff. Second, the forecaster may choose messages from a set that will be subsequently observed by the agent. Our model encompasses these two aspects in a unified action set for the forecaster. Our model allows player's stage payoffs to depend arbitrarily on their actions and on the state of nature. This includes the particular case in which the forecaster's action set is separable in a strategic decision space and a message space, and in which payoffs do not depend on the second. In order to achieve cooperative outcomes in this repeated game, it may be necessary for the forecaster to use actions to inform the agent of future realized states of nature. Using information theory, we measure the amount of information sent by the forecaster to the agent at each stage, and the amount of information used by the agent in the course of the game. Intuitively, during repetitions of the game, the total information used by the agent cannot exceed the total information received. This can be easily formalized and expressed using our measures for information. This in turn has implications on the set of empirical distributions over triples (state of nature, forecaster's actions, agent's actions) that are attainable by some strategies of the players in the repeated game. We express this constraint via a single formula, that we call the information constraint. On the other hand, we prove that, given any distribution $Q$ over this triple that fulfills the information constraint, there exists a communication scheme between the forecaster and the agent such that the induced distribution is $Q$. Therefore, our results establish that the set of achievable empirical distributions given the communication constraints of the game is fully characterized by the information constraint. Given any payoff function, the set of feasible payoffs in the repeated game can be computed by taking the image of the set of feasible distributions. Therefore, the information constraint also characterizes the set of feasible payoffs for all possible payoff functions. We provide applications of the above approach to team problems and to situation with non-common objectives. When both the forecaster and the agent share common preferences, we characterize the best expected payoff that their team can guarantee. When preferences are not aligned, we characterize the set of equilibrium payoffs of the repeated game.