Optimization using Weighted Fictitious Play Bradley A. Belsky and Theodore J. Lambert III Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI bbelsky@umich.edu, lambertt@umich.edu Abstract Fictitious play is a model traditionally used to describe learning. Players in a game assume that their opponents have a fixed, but unknown mixed strategy. At each stage, each player plays their best strategy assuming that every other player uses as their mixed strategy the empirical distribution of their past plays. A recent development of fictitious play is its use as an optimization heuristic. The belief distributions from the fictitious play heuristic converge to the set of Nash Equilibrium, which we view as a local optimum. In this paper we investigate a modification to the fictitious play optimization heuristic. When calculating the empirical distribution of each player using standard fictitious play, each stage is weighted equally. Players in a game have no initial knowledge of their opponents mixed strategies and are more likely to make strategic mistakes in earlier stages. As the game progresses, the player begins to learn their opponents mixed strategies as they converge to the set of Nash Equilibrium. This intuition leads us to believe that weighting later stages more than earlier stages when calculating the empirical mixed strategy of all players may lead to faster convergence. This paper investigates truncating weighting schemes. In a truncating weighting scheme weights are assigned to each stages, however, at some point, the amount of weight assigned to each play will be fixed. Numerous truncating weighting schemes are investigated using randomly generated games of various sizes. We compare results of the different weighting schemes against standard fictitious play.